- フローサイトメトリー用試薬
- イムノアッセイ試薬
- BD® AbSeq Assay
- BD Rhapsody™ Accessory Kits
- BD® OMICS-One Immune Profiler Protein Panel
- BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit
- BD Rhapsody™ TCR/BCR Next Multiomic Assays
- BD Rhapsody™ Targeted mRNA Kits
- BD Rhapsody™ Whole Transcriptome Analysis (WTA) Amplification Kit
- BD® OMICS-Guard Sample Preservation Buffer
- BD Rhapsody™ ATAC-Seq Assays
- BD® AbSeq Assay
- BD Rhapsody™ Accessory Kits
- BD® OMICS-One Immune Profiler Protein Panel
- BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit
- BD Rhapsody™ TCR/BCR Next Multiomic Assays
- BD Rhapsody™ Targeted mRNA Kits
- BD Rhapsody™ Whole Transcriptome Analysis (WTA) Amplification Kit
- BD® OMICS-Guard Sample Preservation Buffer
- BD Rhapsody™ ATAC-Seq Assays
- Japan (Japanese)
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Class 1 Laser Product.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
Alexa Fluor and Pacific Blue are trademarks of Life Technologies Corporation. Cy is a trademark of Global Life Sciences Solutions Germany GmbH or an affiliate doing business as Cytiva. SterilGARD is a trademark of Baker Company, Inc.