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Scientific Publications
A novel multiplex flow proxy assay for the simultaneous measurement of multiple biomarkers
Combining the analysis of protein biomarkers to genome-wide expression profiling at the single-cell level provides deeper scientific insights than previously possible. Despite being widely adopted, CITE-Seq (cellular indexing of transcriptomes and epitopes by sequencing), the technique that enables this combination, still needs standardization and simplification to help overcome some of its challenges such as the lack of quality checks to test the binding of antibodies to report expression of biomarkers before proceeding with the whole CITE-Seq assay.
High-parameter flow cytometry for deep immune profiling of COVID-19 patients
The SARS-CoV-2 virus infection presents a range of clinical manifestations, ranging from mild or no symptoms to moderate to severe respiratory illnesses, such as ARDS (acute respiratory-distress syndrome) and multiorgan failure, to death. The innate immune defense mounted by the body involves pattern recognition receptors (PAR), which activate an array of transcription factors through a signal transduction pathway, ultimately resulting in the secretion of different interferons and chemokines.
Immunotyping of natural killer (NK) cells in COVID-19 patients using high-parameter flow cytometry
SARS-CoV-2 infection elicits a spectrum of immune responses, activating both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Whether these immune responses are targeted and controlled or misdirected and uncontrolled could determine the outcome of the disease. Recent studies using deep immunoprofiling have indicated that the nature of immune responses can also determine the severity of the disease.