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Be a part of the journey and submit your ideas to investigate biological phenomena with BD CellView™ Image Technology. 

Join the BD CellView Image Technology Challenge. We are looking for your ideas on how to use BD CellView Image Technology to investigate biological phenomena that are difficult or impossible to study with current tools. Submissions will be evaluated by a team of BD scientists based on novelty, impact to the field, and ability to extend the submitted application to other fields. The winner will receive a consultation with an application specialist to discuss the feasibility of the proposed experiment as well as coordinate logistics around transportation and accommodations for the winner with one additional scientist. You will work closely with a BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter specialist to run a feasibility experiment of the application.

The window to submit applications closed on August 15th, 2024.


Current camera-based image technologies are not fast enough to support high-throughput cytometry. Novel BD CellView Image Technology overcomes this challenge with fluorescence imaging using radiofrequency-multiplexed excitation. This unique technology, when combined with high-throughput cytometry, can sort cells based on quantitative fluorescence images, which enables researchers to gate and isolate single cells using not only flow cytometry but also imaging features, unlocking new and diverse applications for flow cytometry beyond immunology, including oncology, cell biology, plant biology, microbiology, and genomics.1,2  

The first CellView enabled flow cytometer is the BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter. How could this new instrument change your research?

Check out our CellView™ Image Technology poster to see what others have done and request a printed copy of the poster.

Cell View Image Technology Poster

Submit your idea and request a printed copy of the BD CellView™ Image Technology Poster

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* Competition and printed poster requests are open to US customers only.