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CYTO 2024: 50 Years of Flow Cytometry Innovation

BD Biosciences is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor at the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry CYTO 2024 event in Edinburgh, Scotland.


50 years ago, BD introduced the first commercial fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) instrument changing the field of biology forever, and introduced scientists to an unprecedented view into the trillions of single cells in our body that dictate health and disease. We've come a long way since then, and we still have so far to go. 

This year, we will be showcasing the BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter with BD CellView Image Technology and BD SpectralFX Technology, BD FACSymphony A5 SE Cell Analyzer, BD FACSymphony S6 SE Cell Sorter, BD Horizon RealBlue and BD Horizon RealYellow Reagents, BD RhapsodyHT Xpress System and the BD FACSDuet Premium Sample Preparation System. Also learn about our flow cytometry tools in BD® Research Cloud and data analysis with FlowJo Software. Stop by our booth, see our posters or join a session to learn more about how we are advancing the world of cytometry.

Come learn about our new assays:

  • BD Rhapsody ATAC-Seq Assay: Multiomic assay to support your single-cell epigenomics studies
  • BD Rhapsody TCR/BCR Next Multiomic Assay: Our next generation, high performing immune profiling assay to support your single-cell immunology experiments

Not able to attend the show or want a sneak peak of our new assays? Connect with a single-cell multiomics specialist today!

See what BD Biosciences did at CYTO 2024


Expanding Horizons: Improving biological resolution and increasing parameters with spectral flow cytometry


Robert Balderas, BD Biosciences and Florian Mair, ETH Zurich 


Session Posters

#306: System Equalizer: An automated system setup based on detector calibration and reference cell sample | Download


Ludo Monheim, BD Biosciences

#337: Using imaging flow cytometry to detect lipid nanoparticles phagocytosed by antigen-presenting cells | Download


Aaron Tyznik, BD Biosciences

#139: Evaluation of Lot-to-Lot Consistency for BD GMP reagents on the BD FACSDuet™ Premium Sample Preparation System integrated with the BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometer | Download


Yang Zeng, BD Biosciences

#326: Transfer of a 33-color flow cytometry immunophenotyping panel through transfer of application settings from the BD FACSymphony™ A5 SE to the BD FACSymphony™ S6 SE | Download


Ludo Monheim, BD Biosciences

#161: High dimensional biology with high throughput multiomic profiling of single cells | Download


Aruna Ayer, BD Biosciences

#39: Antigen specific T cell characterization by simultaneous detection of activation induced markers and intracellular cytokines: a multi-testing site experience | Download


Gianluca Rotta, BD Biosciences


Sunday, May 5

Parallel Session: Immunology I:
A tale of two tissues: Immune dynamics following CD8+ cell depletion


Veronica Obregon, BD Biosciences

Location: Fintry

Time: 10:30 – 11:30


So you’ve clustered: Making sense of results in a post-clustering world


Veronica Obregon, BD Biosciences

Location: Pentland

Time: 13:45 – 14:45

BD Customer Event:

BD Event: 50 Years of Biosciences Innovation

Everyone’s invited, bring your CYTO badge 

Location: National Museum of Scotland

Time: 19:30 – 23:00

Monday, May 6


Meet the Scientists behind BD Innovations

BD CellView™ Image Technology

Ask questions and learn more at this up-close session with BD scientists 

Location: BD Booth #74

Time: 10:00 – 10:30

Parallel Session: Data Analysis 2:
Clustering QC in resolving distinct signatures of macrophage progenies in a model of metabolic liver inflammation


Ioannis Panetas, BD Informatics

Location: Sidlaw

Time: 10:30 – 11:30

Meet the Scientists behind BD Innovations

Panel Design and Dye Development

Ask questions and learn more at this up-close session with BD scientists 

Location: BD Booth #74

Time: 14:45 – 15:30

Teamwork makes the dream work: how the ISAC Leadership Development Programs enable new science through innovation, discovery, and collaboration

Enabling Science: Pushing the limits of commercial cytometry technology to power discovery

Peter Mage, BD Biosciences

Location: Pentland Auditorium

Time: 15:30 – 17:30

Tuesday, May 7


Meet the Scientists behind BD Innovations

BD SpectralFX™ Technology and Cytometry QC

Ask questions and learn more at this up-close session with BD scientists

Location: BD Booth #74

Time: 10:00 – 10:30

Meet the Scientists behind BD Innovations

BD Evolution of Cytometry: 50 for 50

Ask questions and learn more at this up-close session with BD scientists

Location: BD Booth #74

Time: 14:45 – 15:30

Wednesday, May 8


Spectral Cytometry 2:
Panel hotspot analysis predicts unmixing-dependent spread in spectral panels

Peter Mage, BD Biosciences

Location: Pentland Auditorium

Time: 10:30 – 11:45

The Flow You Don’t Know Plenary

Session Chairs:

Joel Sederstrom, Baylor College of Medicine and Peter Mage, BD Biosciences

Location: TBD

Time: 15:00 – 16:30