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Leverage single-cell epigenomics for immunology discovery


Multimodal profiling can help us gain new insights about immune biology. This webcast will describe an innovative, multimodal approach to T cell functional phenotyping by combining spectral image-enabled cell sorting with single-cell multiomics covering whole transcriptome and epigenomic profiling using an ATAC-seq  assay (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing). This multimodal approach was used to analyze ~200,000 T cells sorted from an in vitro model of T cell activation to reveal in-depth molecular and cellular dynamics data about T cell activation and biology.

Our expert speakers will walk you through a step-by-step approach comprising experimental design, methods, analyses and data covering the discovery process in detail. They will also discuss the end-to-end workflow from sample prep to bioinformatic analyses of transcription factor engagement at the single-cell level so that you are well positioned to implement these cutting-edge approaches in your research.

Learn how to:

  • Utilize single-cell ATAC-seq and whole transcriptome assays for immunology research
  • Combine image-based spectral cell sorting with single-cell multiomics to decipher gene regulation and transcription factor biology
  • Further discovery in immunology with single-cell multiomics




Moen Sen, PhD, Sr. Scientist, BD Biosciences


Moen Sen, PhD, is a cancer biologist with a specialization in rare cell flow cytometry and has 13 years of research experience spanning both academia and biotech. At BD Biosciences, she is a member of the Applied Research & Technology team and works on novel applications utilizing the unique capabilities of BD flow cytometers and single-cell multiomic technologies.




Hye-Won Song, PhD, Sr. Staff Scientist, BD Biosciences

Hye-Won Song brings 25 years of experience in broad biomedical research to genomics technology development. Hye-Won is currently an associate principal scientist at BD Biosciences, spearheading the technology development in the single-cell multiomics program. Hye-Won earned her PhD from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and did her postdoctoral and project scientist work at UCSD.

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