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BD® LSR II Flow Cytometer

Discontinuation Notice

BD has discontinued selling the BD® LSR II Flow Cytometer and BD® LSR II SORP Flow Cytometer laser upgrades, effective March 1, 2017. 


Service for BD® LSR II Systems and their related options will continue until September 30, 2022. All current service contracts will be honored. The last date to purchase an annual service contract is September 30, 2021, for service ending September 30, 2022.


We will make our best effort to provide service for the BD® LSR II Flow Cytometer after September 30, 2022. After contracts terminate, BD will support the BD® LSR II Flow Cytometer for as long as reasonably possible, depending on parts availability.


BD Biosciences offers several research cell analyzer options that can be used for advanced flow cytometry analyses. We can recommend a suitable solution based on your laboratory’s needs. Please contact a BD sales representative in your area for further details.