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Dri Monoset Panel
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BD Horizon™
Flow cytometry


The BD Horizon™ Dri Monoset Panel tube contains a dried pre-aliquoted antibody cocktail containing commonly used markers for the identification and characterization of monocyte subsets. The formats and concentration for each specificity have been optimized to work as a combined panel. It is designed for use on a flow cytometer that has blue and red lasers. The BD Horizon™ Dri Monoset Panel is provided as a kit with 5 single-use tubes of dried reagent cocktail in a foil pouch. The panel comprises the following fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies: Specificity Clone Fluorochrome  CD16  3G8  FITC  HLA-DR  L243  PE  CD14  MφP9  PerCP  CD192 (CCR2)  LS132.1D9  APC

626486 Rev. 1
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Description Clone Isotype EntrezGene ID
CD16 FITC 3G8 IgG1, κ N/A
HLA-DR RPE L243 IgG2a, κ N/A
CD14 PerCP MΦP9 IgG2b, κ N/A
CD192 (CCR2) APC LS132.1D9 IgG2a, κ N/A
626486 Rev. 1

Please refer to Support Documents for Quality Certificates

Global - Refer to manufacturer's instructions for use and related User Manuals and Technical data sheets before using this products as described

Comparisons, where applicable, are made against older BD Technology, manual methods or are general performance claims.  Comparisons are not made against non-BD technologies, unless otherwise noted.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. 


Although not required, these products are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices.