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BD Rhapsody™ Sequence Analysis Pipeline Banner

The BD RhapsodySequence Analysis Pipeline is a versatile tool that offers the flexibility to run your bioinformatics analysis on either a Seven Bridges cloud-based platform or on a local installation.

The BD RhapsodySequence Analysis Pipeline:

  • Provides a primary analysis of single-cell multiomics data by leveraging cutting-edge algorithms to deliver fast results and deep insights.
  • Utilizes an intuitive user interface via a cloud-based platform and is easy to use, regardless of the computational expertise of the user.
  • Offers the ability to choose between cloud-based or local installation options and affords maximum convenience and accessibility for single-cell multiomics data analysis.
  • Provides broad compatibility of output data with downstream analysis tools such as Seurat and Scanpy.




Pipeline Overview

After sequencing, the pipeline takes input from FASTQ files, a reference (Targeted panel or WTA genome archive), an AbSeq reference (if required), and a supplemental reference (if required), using those to generate molecule counts per cell and metrics about the pipleline run.


BD Rhapsody Pipeline Workflow

Overview of the steps in the analysis pipeline.

Release notes

v2.2.1 BD Rhapsody™ Sequence Analysis Pipeline

June 05, 2024



  • Support for MGI sequencer FASTQ read header and file names
  • For TCR/BCR assay, new output of a compressed bundle of PNG images showing the per chain VDJ DBEC algorithm thresholds
  • Long read support - added new pipeline parameter for enabling support for long R2 reads (>650 bp) - default is to auto-detect long or short reads



  • Ability to customize STAR and BWA-MEM2 alignment parameters, enabled on Seven Bridges and local runs



  • Failures that could occur with MGI sequencer FASTQ files in the QualCLAlign or AlignmentAnalysis nodes
  • Failure caused by VDJ AssembleAndAnnotate node – Argument list too long
  • Failure caused by MergeBam node – Argument list too long
  • PhiX aligned reads could incorrectly be counted as targeted mRNA reads when using a targeted panel (usually these are already removed during FASTQ generation)


v2.2 BD Rhapsody™ Sequence Analysis Pipeline

April 19, 2024



  • Added support for ATAC-Seq Assay and Multiomic ATAC-Seq Assay (WTA+ATAC-Seq)
  • Added ability to customize STAR alignment parameters



  • Updated the immune cell type classifier to be more lenient in the percentage of bioproducts required to run
  • Updated TCR BCR annotation software IGBlast to version 1.22
  • Updated TCR BCR annotation to IMGT release 202349-3 (12-06-2023)
  • Updated bead version detection



  • Fixed error in dimensionality reduction when zero variable genes are found due to very sparse data

Get free access to the pipeline

Cloud-based version

  • Go to
  • Click Request Access. In the request access window, enter your email address to receive an email invitation to the Seven Bridges Genomics platform within 24 hours.
  • Click the link in the email invitation and complete the registration. Seven Bridges Genomics displays the dashboard with the demo projects.


Local version

  • Go to If necessary, create a Bitbucket account.
  • In the left pane, click Downloads > Download Repository. The CWL and YML files will download.
  • Unzip the archive. Each folder within the archive is named after the pipeline version to which it corresponds.