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BD Biosciences has recently reviewed its product portfolio and has made the decision to stop selling the BD FACSVia™ Instrument, options and upgrades in the EU region.
All current service contracts will be honored. Service for the BD FACSVia™ Instrument and its options will continue until August 30, 2025. The last date to purchase a multiyear service contract will be August 30, 2022.
We will continue to offer one-year contracts until August 30, 2024. After contracts terminate, BD FACSVia™ Flow Cytometer support will be dictated by parts availability at a pre-established time and material rates that include travel, labor and parts.
Training and application support after that time will be provided based on availability of staff with product knowledge to provide the support.
BD Biosciences offers alternative clinical cell analyzer options that can be used for advanced flow cytometry analyses. We can recommend a suitable solution based on your laboratory’s needs. Please contact a BD sales representative in your area for further details.
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BD FACSVia™ System is a Class 1 Laser Product. |