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The Ki-67 antibody specifically binds to the human Ki-67 antigen, a large protein having two alternatively spliced isoforms, an N-terminal forkhead-associated domain, a C-terminal domain that binds to heterochromatin proteins, and multiple phosphorylation sites, the functions of which are still unclear.

Development References (17)
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Scholzen T, Endl E, Wohlenberg C, et al. The Ki-67 protein interacts with members of the heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family: a potential role in the regulation of higher-order chromatin structure.. J Pathol. 2002; 196(2):135-44. View Reference
Scholzen T, Gerdes J. The Ki-67 protein: from the known and the unknown.. J Cell Physiol. 2000; 182(3):311-22. View Reference
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Valenti LM, Mathieu J, Chancerelle Y, et al. High levels of endogenous nitric oxide produced after burn injury in rats arrest activated T lymphocytes in the first G1 phase of the cell cycle and then induce their apoptosis. Exp Cell Res. 2005; 306(1):150-167. View Reference
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