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- Flow Cytometry Basic Training
Product-Based Training
- FACSAria Product Based Training
- FACSMelody Product-Based Training
- FACSLyric Product-Based Training
- FACSCanto Product-Based Training
- LSRFortessa Product-Based Training
- FACSymphony Product-Based Training
- FACSDuet Product-Based Training
- HTS Product-Based Training
- BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter Product Training
Advanced Training
Thought Leadership
Product News
- What is the Geometric mean in Flow Cytometry?
- Streamlining the Flow Cytometry Experiment Workflow: Challenges and Solutions
- Comparative analysis of 2 CITE-seq platforms
- Flow Cytometry Controls - Quick Tips for Better Flow Cytometry Data
- Using the HyperFinder Algorithm, FlowJo™ Software and BD FACSDiva™ Software for Computational Sorting
- A Guide to Single-Cell Multiomics Data Analysis
- Emerging-Trends-in-Single-Cell-Multiomics
- Sample Preparation for Single Cell Multiomics
- Scientific Publications
- Assessing Immune Behavioral Response to Bordetella Pertussis Infection in Mice
- Nature Research Academies Workshop 2023
- CYTO 2023: Advancing the World of Cytometry
- EuroFlow Educational Workshop
- Singapore Gene & Cell Therapy Conference 2023
- Nature Research Masterclass 2023
- Novel Approaches to Single-Cell Plant Research: from Real-Time Imaging Cell Sorting to Single-Nuclei Transcriptomics
- Advances in Immune Monitoring Series
- Pre-workshop @ Single Cell Asia Congress
- Validating Flow Cytometry Assays for Cell Therapy
Product News
- FACSAria Product Based Training
- FACSMelody Product-Based Training
- FACSLyric Product-Based Training
- FACSCanto Product-Based Training
- LSRFortessa Product-Based Training
- FACSymphony Product-Based Training
- FACSDuet Product-Based Training
- HTS Product-Based Training
- BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter Product Training
- What is the Geometric mean in Flow Cytometry?
- Streamlining the Flow Cytometry Experiment Workflow: Challenges and Solutions
- Comparative analysis of 2 CITE-seq platforms
- Flow Cytometry Controls - Quick Tips for Better Flow Cytometry Data
- Using the HyperFinder Algorithm, FlowJo™ Software and BD FACSDiva™ Software for Computational Sorting
- A Guide to Single-Cell Multiomics Data Analysis
- Emerging-Trends-in-Single-Cell-Multiomics
- Sample Preparation for Single Cell Multiomics
- Assessing Immune Behavioral Response to Bordetella Pertussis Infection in Mice
- Nature Research Academies Workshop 2023
- CYTO 2023: Advancing the World of Cytometry
- EuroFlow Educational Workshop
- Singapore Gene & Cell Therapy Conference 2023
- Nature Research Masterclass 2023
- Novel Approaches to Single-Cell Plant Research: from Real-Time Imaging Cell Sorting to Single-Nuclei Transcriptomics
- Advances in Immune Monitoring Series
- Pre-workshop @ Single Cell Asia Congress
- Validating Flow Cytometry Assays for Cell Therapy
- Singapore (English)
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BD® Spectrum Viewer
The BD® Spectrum Viewer is an interactive tool that supports optimized fluorochrome selection, choosing filters and assessing potential spillover when designing flow cytometry panels. The latest and improved version of the tool offers several additional features: ability to view and compare excitation (Ex) and emission (Em) spectra with a broad and growing library of dyes and probes;1 an extensive collection of pre-loaded cytometer configurations;2 a stacked laser view and the ability to save and share your work; and the ability to visualize and analyze fluorochrome emission profiles on spectral flow cytometers3 with a new heat map option to more easily assess areas of overlapping emission. Explore the new BD® Spectrum Viewer below or access the legacy BD® Spectrum Viewer.
View BD® Spectrum Viewer User Guide and FAQs.