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- Automated instrument QC and compensation
- Intuitive user interface reduces manual steps
- Easy, low cost instrument maintenance minimizes operational costs to fit budget requirements
- Remote and onsite technical service ensures proper system support
- Bidirectional laboratory information system (LIS) communication minimizes potential transcription errors

View the video describing how the BD FACSVia™ System can help you solve a variety of lab challenges.
The BD FACSVia™ System is compact and easy to learn and use

The system:
- Is equipped with BD FACSVia™ Clinical Software, which enables novice and veteran users alike to collect, analyze and report data in just a few hours, minimizing the time and cost necessary to train new staff members
- Enables quick setup and reduces chances of errors through automated compensation, which eliminates the need to adjust instrument settings to obtain accurate results
- Provides online eLearning, remote diagnostics and hands-on training from a BD FACSVia™ System specialist for acquiring proficiency and increasing productivity
- Has a compact footprint that fits easily on a bench top
- Can meet biohazard containment requirements when placed in a laminar flow hood
The BD FACSVia™ System provides automated compensation and automated instrument QC

- Automated compensation: pre-optimized detector settings, factory-set alignment and standardized fluorescence performance eliminate difficult, time-consuming manual adjustments. The system enables your lab to get consistent, reproducible and accurate results according to the sample type and application
- Automated instrument QC: daily instrument QC is run to verify that the instrument is performing within specification and to automatically update compensation values. A few clicks allow you to run QC so that you can begin collecting consistent data over time and across instruments.
- Intuitive user interface: easy to use, designed to reduce manual errors.
The BD FACSVia™ System improves laboratory efficiency by reducing manual processes

- Automated processes and intuitive interface simplify and enable workflow efficiencies
- The BD FACSVia™ Assays and Templates simplify testing. The assays incorporate BD Trucount™ Tube technology, which eliminates the need for a second instrument or a manual method for cell counting
- The assay template populates the software with all the fields, plots and regions needed to collect and analyze data
- The optional BD FACSLink™ Laboratory Information System (LIS) interface solution provides bidirectional transfer of information between BD FACSVia™ Clinical Software and your LIS, minimizing transcription errors and saving time
The capabilities of the BD FACSVia™ System minimize the cost of ownership

- Intuitive design minimizes the time needed to teach instrument operators and maximizes valuable bench space
- The instrument uses basic fluids and preventive maintenance kits that are easy to order, use and store, minimizing the cost of maintenance and consumables
- Optional BD FACSVia™ Loader adds automation as your workload grows. The loader is compatible with standard 12 x 75-mm and BD Trucount™ Tubes and with 96-well plates when used with the optional BD FACSVia™ Research Software*
- Optional BD FACSLink™ Laboratory Information System (LIS) interface provides bidirectional transfer of information between BD FACSVia™ Clinical Software and your LIS
- Optional BD FACSVia™ Research Software* is easy and intuitive and allows creation of your own laboratory tests
*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics or therapeutic procedures.

The BD FACSVia™ System: the complete solution for leukocyte enumeration in leukoreduced blood products.

User Guides and Manuals
BD FACSVia™ Research Software is For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
Class 1 Laser Product.
Unless otherwise noted, CE marked, For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.
The information provided herein is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. All content, including text, graphics, images and information etc., contained in or available through this literature is for general information purposes only. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, please consult your physician/doctor. Becton Dickinson India Private Limited and or its affiliates, its employees are not liable for any damages/claims to any person in any manner whatsoever. BD-25803