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The BD® OMICS-Guard Sample Preservation Buffer is developed and optimized to address the need for high-quality biological sample preservation over an extended period of time when samples cannot be processed at the same time or location.


  • Provides a stress-free, one-step preservation protocol with minimum hands-on time
  • Optimized to preserve cells for a variety of downstream transcriptomic, proteomic and multiomic applications, including RNA-seq, CITE-seq, flow cytometry and qPCR​
  • Protects cell viability and preserves different cell populations in your samples for up to 72 hours at 4 °C
  • Developed and tested across multiple sample types: PBMCs and tissue samples
  • Available in two, easy-to-use formats: 50-mL bottle or 12 x 1-mL vials


Download our datasheet to learn more about the BD® OMICS-Guard Sample Preservation Buffer.

BD OMICS Guard Sample Preservation Buffer


"Analyzing transcriptomics in fragile and short-lived cell types, particularly in multi-facility settings, often presents logistical hurdles. This issue is exacerbated when studying granulocytes, like basophils, under different stimulation conditions, where time is of the essence. The "BD OMICS Guard Sample Preservation Buffer" has proven instrumental in preserving samples and extending processing time before the BD Rhapsody System. It also aids in obtaining cleaner proteomic and transcriptomic data, even when working with basophils with low RNA yields."

Silbie Sinkunaite


"Analyzing transcriptomics in fragile and short-lived cell types, particularly in multi-facility settings, often presents logistical hurdles. This issue is exacerbated when studying granulocytes, like basophils, under different stimulation conditions, where time is of the essence. The "BD OMICS Guard Sample Preservation Buffer" has proven instrumental in preserving samples and extending processing time before the BD Rhapsody System. It also aids in obtaining cleaner proteomic and transcriptomic data, even when working with basophils with low RNA yields."

Sibilė Šinkūnaitė
Research Assistant
Herlev og Gentofte Hospital, Laboratory of Medical Allergology (LMA)

"After staining our precious samples with antibodies, we resuspended them in OMICS-Guard. We then sorted B cells into collection tubes containing OMICS Guard prior to loading them into the BD Rhapsody Express system. Cell viability substantially improved compared to the cells kept in staining buffer or EDTA-supplemented staining buffer even when waiting up to 2h before the sorting steps. Overall, we are very satisfied with the performance of OMICS Guard."

Sabrina Pollastro

"After staining our precious samples with antibodies, we resuspended them in OMICS-Guard. We then sorted B cells into collection tubes containing OMICS Guard prior to loading them into the BD Rhapsody Express system. Cell viability substantially improved compared to the cells kept in staining buffer or EDTA-supplemented staining buffer even when waiting up to 2h before the sorting steps. Overall, we are very satisfied with the performance of OMICS Guard."

Sabrina van der Dussen-Pollastro
Department of Immunopathology, Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A Novel Cell Preservation Solution

Watch our webinar on how the BD® OMICS-Guard Sample Preservation Buffer is used in the single cell multiomics analysis of tumor samples and showed how it can reveal the immunogenomic mechanisms of immune suppression and cancer immunotherapy.

The speakers also shared their findings on the role of PD-1 expression and metabolic reprogramming in Treg cells and how they affect the response to PD-1 blockade in different tumor types and microenvironments.

One-Step Sample Preservation Workflow


 Single-Cell SuspensionTissue

Recommended Usage

1 to 10 million cells per 1 mL BD® OMICS-Guard Preservation Buffer

30 to 50 mg of tissue per 20 mL BD® OMICS-Guard Preservation Buffer

Storage Temperature

4 °C

Storage Duration

Up to 72 hours

  1. Collect single cells/dissociated single cells in suspension and spin at 400 x g for 5 minutes.

  2. Discard the supernatant and resuspend the cells in the BD® OMICS-Guard Preservation Buffer per the recommended usage listed above
    Note: Cells can be stored in Eppendorf tubes or equivalent.

  3. Place the cells at 4 °C for up to 72 hours.

  4. After storage, spin the cells at 800 x g for 5 minutes and discard the supernatant to remove the BD® OMICS-Guard Preservation Buffer. No further washing is required.

  5. Resuspend the cells in desired buffer for downstream applications.
  1. Section tissues into pieces and immediately put into the BD® OMICS-Guard Preservation Buffer.
    Note: aim for sections that are approximately 50 mg in weight.

  2. Place the tissue at 4 °C for up to 72 hours.

  3. After storage, dissociate the tissue by the desired method for single-cell application, spin the cells at 800 x g for 5 minutes, and discard the supernatant to remove the BD® OMICS-Guard Preservation Buffer. No further washing is required.

  4. Resuspend the cells in desired buffer for downstream applications.

Modifications to single-cell capture on the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis System

For cells/tissues preserved in BD® OMICS-Guard Preservation Buffer, change the lysis conditions in the single-cell capture workflow from 2 minutes to 5 minutes lysis time.

Improve Ab-Oligo Signal with the BD® AbSeq Enhancer Kit for BD® OMICS-Guard Buffer-Preserved Samples in CITE-seq


If staining with BD® AbSeq Antibody-Oligos after BD® OMICS-Guard Buffer preservation, use the BD® AbSeq Enhancer Kit to reduce nonspecific binding events and enhance the AbSeq signal.


Improve Ab-Oligo Signal with the BD AbSeq-Enhancer Kit

Heatmaps of AbSeq performance with and without the addition of the BD® AbSeq Enhancer Kit. Heatmaps of AbSeq median molecules per cell expression for different cell types are shown when the BD® AbSeq Enhancer Kit is either not added to the protocol (top) or added to the protocol (bottom) when using preserved cells. Nonspecific background signal (top) is eliminated, leading to better signal/noise, with the use of the BD® AbSeq Enhancer Kit (bottom), which closely matches that of the control data (bottom, left plot).


Download the BD® OMICS-Guard Sample Preservation Buffer product information sheet to access BD® AbSeq Enhancer Kit staining protocols




For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

Alexa Fluor is a trademark of Life Technologies Corporation. CF is a trademark of Biotium, Inc. Cy is a trademark of Global Life Sciences Solutions Germany GmbH or an affiliate doing business as Cytiva.