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Course Overview

This course is designed for flow cytometry operators and researchers who design and run multicolor panels. You will learn best practices for multicolor panel design, which can be applied to both intracellular and surface markers. You will perform exercises that cover the entire workflow for multicolor applications, from creating application settings to analyzing data. You will also practice proven methods for standardizing settings across multiple cytometers. Skills learned in this course can be applied to any BD digital cytometer with BD FACSDiva™ Software.


Course Details

To fully benefit from this course, you must have experience operating a BD digital flow cytometer with BD™ FACSDiva Software. The 3-day course includes a well-balanced mix of lectures, group discussion, and hands-on practice. In the class, you will learn:


  • Tips for improving sample preparation
  • How to calculate predicted yield and efficiency
  • Techniques for various sorting profiles



For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.