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Software and Informatics
BD Biosciences offers a suite of software and informatics support for flow cytometry analysis. From instrument-specific software to interfaces and powerful informatics, we support you every step of the way in your flow cytometry analysis.
Instrument Software
Our instrument software can support application set up, acquisition and analysis on our flow cytometers. Our IVD-cleared software, such as BD FACSCanto™ Clinical Software and the BD FACSuite™ Clinical Application support clinical applications while BD FACSChorus™ Software and BD FACSDiva™ Software when paired with research instruments, aid in research applications. All our software offer ease of use and help streamline your flow cytometry workflow.
Connectivity Software
BD FACS™ Workflow Manager is our middleware solution, connecting your instruments to your laboratory information system (LIS). BD Assurity Linc™ Software connects compatible BD devices with BD technical support personnel so that they can rapidly troubleshoot your issues. The BD Remote Assist solution enables BD users to remotely connect to their BD devices from any computer.
FlowJo™ v10 Software
FlowJo™ v10 Software for research use features an intuitive interface, specialized analysis platforms and open-ended plugin architecture. It offers a rich analysis environment that is easy to use, versatile and extensible with plugins.
BD® Research Cloud
BD® Research Cloud (BD RC), built by the creators of FlowJo™ Software, helps you organize your projects, gain visibility and control of your experiments, and quickly and easily collaborate with your colleagues. It alleviates time spent moving data between systems and provides a tool for designing your next panel.
SeqGeq™ v1.7 Software
SeqGeq™ v1.7 Software is a device-agnostic desktop bioinformatics platform designed for the analysis of single-cell experiments and includes features such as V(D)J analysis, Seurat clustering, Monocle trajectory inference and much more.
Infinicyt™ Software
Infinicyt™ is an analysis software designed for multiparametric analysis of complex data with patented tools and adaptable to common laboratory workflows.