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BD Multitest™ Anti-Human CD45RA FITC/CD62L PE/CD3 PerCP/CD4 APC

Regulatory Status Legend
Any use of products other than the permitted use without the express written authorization of Becton, Dickinson and Company is strictly prohibited.
CD45RA, clone L48, is derived from hybridization of mouse Sp2/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with low-buoyant–density human lymphocytes. CD62L, clone SK11, is derived from hybridization of mouse NS-1 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with peripheral blood T lymphocytes. CD3, clone SK7, is derived from hybridization of mouse NS-1 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with human thymocytes. CD4, clone SK3, is derived from hybridization of mouse NS-1 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with human peripheral blood T lymphocytes. CD45RA recognizes an Mr 220-kilodalton (kd) isoform of the leucocyte common antigen (LCA). The CD45RA antigen is a member of the CD45 antigen family that also includes the CD45, CD45RB, and CD45RO antigens. The CD62L antigen, Mr 80 kd, is the leucocyte endothelial cellular adhesion molecule (LECAM).The CD62L antigen belongs to the selectin family of cell adhesion molecules. The CD62L molecule is the human homologue of the murine lymph node homing receptor, MEL 14. CD3 recognizes the epsilon chain of the CD3 antigen/T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) complex. This complex is composed of at least six proteins that range in molecular weight from 20–30 kd. The antigen recognized by the CD3 antibody is noncovalently associated with either α/β or γ/δ TCR (70–90 kd). CD4 recognizes an antigen that interacts with class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and is the primary receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus.The cytoplasmic portion of the antigen is associated with the protein tyrosine kinase p56lck. The CD4 antigen can regulate the function of the CD3 antigen/TCR complex. CD4 also reacts with monocytes/macrophages that have an antigen density lower than that on helper/inducer T lymphocytes.
Preparation And Storage
The MultiTEST™ reagent is supplied as a combination of CD45RA FITC, CD62L PE, CD3 PerCP, and CD4 APC in 1.0 mL of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing bovine serum albumin and 0.1% sodium azide. Store vials at 2–8°C. Do not freeze; protect from prolonged exposure to light. Each reagent is stable for the period shown on the bottle label when stored as directed.
Description | Clone | Isotype | EntrezGene ID |
CD45RA FITC | L48 | IgG1, κ | N/A |
CD3 PerCP | SK7 | IgG1, κ | N/A |
CD62L PE | SK11 | IgG2a, κ | 6402 |
CD4 APC | SK3 | IgG1, κ | N/A |
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