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Product Details
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Mouse IgM, κ
Membrane extracts of the HSB-2 T-lymphoblastoid cell line
Flow cytometry
12.5 μg/mL
20 μL
Phosphate buffered saline with gelatin and 0.1% sodium azide.

Preparation And Storage

The antibody reagent is stable until the expiration date shown on the label when stored at 2° to 8°C. Do not use after the expiration date. Do not freeze the reagent or expose it to direct light during storage or incubation with cells. Keep the outside of the reagent vial dry.

Do not use the reagent if you observe any change in appearance. Precipitation or discoloration indicates instability or deterioration.

333169 Rev. 1
Antibody Details
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CD57 is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in the identification of cells expressing CD57 antigen, using a BD FACS™ brand flow cytometer.

The flow cytometer must be equipped to detect light scatter and the appropriate fluorescence, and be equipped with appropriate analysis software (such as BD CellQuest™ or BD LYSYS™ II software) for data acquisition and analysis. Refer to your instrument user’s guide for instructions.

333169 Rev. 1
Format Details
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Fluorescein (FITC) is part of the BD blue family of dyes. This is a small organic fluorochrome with an excitation maximum (Ex Max) at 494-nm and an emission maximum (Em Max) at 518-nm. FITC is designed to be excited by the Blue laser (488-nm) and detected using an optical filter centered near 520 nm (e.g., a 530/30-nm bandpass filter). Please ensure that your instrument’s configurations (lasers and optical filters) are appropriate for this dye.
Blue 488 nm
494 nm
518 nm
333169 Rev.1
Citations & References
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View product citations for antibody "333169" on CiteAb

Development References (17)

  1. Abo T, Balch CM. A differentiation antigen of human NK and K cells identified by a monoclonal antibody (HNK-1). J Immunol. 1981; 127(3):1024-1029. (Biology). View Reference
  2. Arber DA, Weiss LM. CD57: a review. Appl Immunohistochem. 1995; 3:137-152. (Biology).
  3. Bunn PA, Gazdar AF, Carney DN, Minna J. Small cell lung carcinoma and natural killer cells share an antigenic determinant, Leu-7. Clin Res. 1984; 32:416A. (Biology).
  4. Centers for Disease Control. Update: universal precautions for prevention of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and other bloodborne pathogens in healthcare settings. MMWR. 1988; 37:377-388. (Biology).
  5. Clinical Applications of Flow Cytometry: Quality Assurance and Immunophenotyping of Lymphocytes: Approved Guideline. H42-A2. 2007. (Biology).
  6. Consensus protocol for the flow cytometric immunophenotyping of hematopoietic malignancies. Rothe G, Schmitz G. Leukemia. 1996; 10:877-895. (Biology).
  7. Jackson AL, Warner NL. Rose NR, Friedman H, Fahey JL, ed. Manual of Clincial Laboratory Immunology, Third Edition. Washington DC: American Society for Microbiology; 1986:226-235.
  8. Kruse J, Mailhammer R, Wernecke H, et al. Neural cell adhesion molecules and myelin-associated glycoprotein share a common carbohydrate moiety recognized by monoclonal antibodies L2 and HNK-1.. Nature. 1984 September; 311(5982):153-155. (Biology). View Reference
  9. Lanier LL, Le AM, Phillips JH, Warner NL, Babcock GF. Subpopulations of human natural killer cells defined by expression of the Leu-7 (HNK-1) and Leu-11 (NK-15) antigens. J Immunol. 1983; 131(4):1789-1796. (Biology). View Reference
  10. Manara GC, De Panfilis G, Ferrari C.. Ultrastructural characterization of human large granular lymphocyte subsets defined by the expression of HNK-1 (Leu-7), Leu-11, or both HNK-1 and Leu-11 antigens.. J Histochem Cytochem. 1985 November; 33(11):1129-1133. (Biology). View Reference
  11. McDaniel HL, MacPherson BR, Tindle BH, al. Lymphoproliferative disorder of granular lymphocytes: a heterogeneous disease. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1992; 116:242-248. (Biology).
  12. McGarry RC, Helfand SL, Quarles RH, Roder JC. Recognition of myelin-associated glycoprotein by the monoclonal antibody HNK-1. Nature. 1983; 306(5941):376-378. (Biology). View Reference
  13. Mechtersheimer G, Staudter M, Möller P.. Expression of the natural killer cell-associated antigens CD56 and CD57 in human neural and striated muscle cells and in their tumors.. Cancer Res. 1991 February; 51(4):1300-1307. (Biology). View Reference
  14. NCCLS document. 2001. (Biology).
  15. Papadimitriou CS, Bai MK, Kotsianti AJ, Costoupoulos JS, Hytiroglou P. Phenotype of Hodgkin and Sternberg-Reed cells and expression of CD57 (LEU7) antigen. Leuk Lymphoma. 1995; 29:125-130. (Biology).
  16. Schubert J, Lanier LL, Schmidt RE. Knapp W, Dörken B, Gilks WR, et al, ed. Leucocyte Typing IV: White Cell Differentiation Antigens. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 1989:711-714.
  17. Stelzer GT, Marti G, Hurley A, McCoy PJ, Lovett EJ, Schwartz A. US-Canadian consensus recommendations on the immunophenotypic analysis of hematologic neoplasia by flow cytometry: standardization and validation of laboratory procedures. Cytometry. 1997; 30:214-230. (Biology).
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333169 Rev. 1

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Global - Refer to manufacturer's instructions for use and related User Manuals and Technical data sheets before using this products as described


Comparisons, where applicable, are made against older BD Technology, manual methods or are general performance claims.  Comparisons are not made against non-BD technologies, unless otherwise noted.

For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.



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